Please learn the comparative efficacy test between Pestman cockroach gel bait and Advion cockroach gel bait by the following video.
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Please learn the comparative efficacy test between Pestman cockroach gel bait and Advion cockroach gel bait by the following video.
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The repair costs for aircraft damaged by bird strikes are significant. Bird and other wildlife strikes result in over $650 million in damages to both civilian and military aviation in the United States every year. Furthermore, bird strikes pose a risk to the lives of crew members and passengers, with over 200 people worldwide having been killed as a result of wildlife strikes since 2008. The high rotational speed turbine engine fans and compress makes them susceptible to damage even at low aircraft speeds. Damaged blades lead to power loss and generate unbalanced forces, which can cause engine shutdown.
No two airports are exactly alike. Accordingly, bird hazards vary from airport to airport, even when the same species are involved. The occurrence of birds at airports varies according to habitat availability, weather, season of year, and time of day.
Food: Birds require relatively large amounts of food. Most airports support an abundance and variety of foods such as seeds, berries, grass, insects, grubs, earthworms, small birds, and small mammals. Seeds and berries are sought by several migratory and resident birds such as sparrows, finches, starlings, blackbirds, mourning doves, common pigeons, and waterfowl. Geese are attracted to open expanses of grasses. Gulls, starlings, robins, and crows often feed on earthworms on the surface of the ground following a rain. Gulls are opportunistic feeders and frequently feed on grasshoppers and ground nesting birds. Raptors are attracted to airports because of rodents, birds, and other small animals that harbored by tall, poorly maintained grass stands and borders. Occasionally, food becomes available through careless waste disposal practices by restaurants and airline flight kitchens. Airport personnel have been known to feed birds during their lunch breaks. Many airports have inadequate garbage disposal systems that permit access to various food items. These are a favorite of several species of birds, especially gulls. Nearby landfills or sewage outlets may also provide food for birds and other wildlife. Landfills are often located on or near airports because both are often built on publicly owned lands. In these circumstances, landfills contribute to bird strike hazards by providing food sources and loafing areas that attract and support thousands of gulls, starlings, pigeons, and other species. Generally, landfills are a major attraction for gulls, the most common bird involved in bird strikes. Waste paper, paper bags, and other litter blowing across the ground attract gulls, presumably because litter is mistaken for other gulls or for food. A gull that is attracted to litter decoys other gulls and encourages flocking.
Water: Birds of all types are drawn to open water for drinking, bathing, feeding, loafing, roosting, and protection. Rainy periods provide temporary water pools at many airports. Many airports have permanent bodies of water near or between runways for landscaping, flood control, or wastewater purposes. These permanent sources of water provide a variety of bird foods, including small fish, tadpoles, frogs, insect larvae, other invertebrates, and edible aquatic plants. Temporary and permanent waters, including ponds, borrow pits, sumps, swamps, and lakes, attract gulls, waterfowl, shorebirds, and marsh birds. Fresh water is especially attractive in coastal areas.
Cover: Birds need cover for resting, loafing, roosting, and nesting. Trees, brushy areas, weed patches, shrubs, and airport structures often provide suitable habitat to meet these requirements. Almost any area that is free from human disturbance may provide a suitable roosting site for one or more species of birds. Starlings, pigeons, house sparrows, and swallows often roost or nest in large numbers in airport buildings or nearby trees, shrubs, or hedges. Large concentrations of blackbirds and starlings are attracted to woody thickets for winter roosting cover. Gulls often find safety on or near runways of coastal airports when storms prevent their roosting at sea, on islands, or on coastal bays.
Migration: Many airports are located along traditional annual bird migration routes. Birds may suddenly appear in large flocks on or over an airport on their annual migration, even when the airport itself offers no particular attraction. Dates of migration vary by species and area. Flock size of a given species may vary widely from year to year depending on time of year, weather conditions, and many other factors.
Damage Prevention and Control Methods
Bird strike hazards reoccur regularly at many airports and require constant attention. Before attempting to reduce bird hazards at an airport, it is important to assess the problem, identify contributing factors, and analyze the threat to aircraft and human safety. A wildlife hazard management plan should be implemented (and may be required by FAA) to make the airport unattractive to birds. Scaring or dispersing birds away from airports is usually difficult because birds are tenaciously attracted to available food, water, and cover. As long as these attractants exist, birds will be a problem.
In most situations, a wildlife biologist trained in bird hazard assessment should be selected to conduct a thorough ecological study of the airport and its vicinity. The study should determine what species of birds are involved, what attracts them, abundance and peak use periods and special hazard zones. It should also include control recommendations to reduce the frequency of bird occurrence at the airport.
Habitat Modification
Several habitat management practices can make an airport less attractive to birds. These include eliminating standing water, removing or thinning trees, removing brush and managing grass height. Buildings can be modified to reduce or eliminate roosting or nesting sites.
Frightening is a reliable and expeditious means of repelling birds. Frightening programs, however, provide only temporary relief and require constant monitoring. An early priority in reducing bird hazards is to establish a bird dispersal patrol team to harass and scare birds and provide immediate protection for aircraft within the airport perimeter. The patrol team must consist of highly motivated and knowledgeable personnel with adequate equipment, such as radio-equipped vehicles, shotguns, and frightening devices consisting of bird distress calls, live ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices (automatic gas exploders, shellcrackers, and racket bombs). Patrol personnel must be trained in bird identification and dispersal methods. Clear communication between the patrol team and the control tower is essential. Birds react to unfamiliar sounds and objects. They learn, however, to ignore sounds and objects that have proven harmless, especially if they are used often and for long periods of time. Birds should not be allowed to acclimate to a scare device through repeated exposure without an associated adverse effect. The use of shooting to reinforce frightening techniques can be effective and should occur simultaneously with the scare devices often enough to maintain fear in the birds. In most cases, an integrated approach that incorporates several frightening devices will produce the best results.
The shellcracker fires a projectile from a 12-gauge shotgun. It travels up to 100 yards (90 m) and explodes with a loud noise and a flash. Noise bombs are similar and can supplement shellcrackers, but their range is much shorter. Racket bombs are propelled by a special pistol and travel approximately 100 yards (90 m); they do not explode.
Shellcrackers and racket bombs may lose their effectiveness when used frequently. It may be necessary to use live ammunition to kill an occasional bird. Remaining birds then become more responsive to the noise devices. Remember that a permit is required to take protected species.
Distress calls are sounds emitted by birds under conditions of stress. The calls can be recorded on tape cassettes and played through a loudspeaker located on the patrol vehicle. Distress calls supplement shellcrackers and noise bombs.
Automatic exploders or gas cannons, operated by acetylene, propane, or LP gas, produce a noise louder than a shotgun blast. Exploders can be set up and left to operate continuously, but for best results, the exploders should be operated for limited periods of time only, unless birds are moving into the airport. Exploders should be moved periodically so that the birds do not become accustomed to the blasts.
Research has been conducted on the efficacy of for repelling gulls and waterfowl from standing pools of water on airport runways. Bird repellent which contains methyl anthranilate is a wise choice to reduce bird strikes at airports.
Pestman bird repellent contains 10% methyl anthranilate and is an environmentally friendly slow-release biological preparation specially developed for repelling birds at airports by using biologically sourced active materials and applying modern biotechnology. The principle of repelling birds is to use the allergic reaction, anorexia reaction, and rejection reaction caused by the physiological aversion mechanism of the active ingredients of biological raw materials in the sense of smell, taste,and touch, so that it can be used in the memory period of harmful birds. Escape and avoid the place where Pestman bird repellent is applied, so as to achieve the purpose of repelling birds, which is humane and does not harm birds.
Birds pose a significant risk to aviation safety. In some cases, a bird or a group of birds unexpectedly taking flight from a runway or its surroundings may collide with an incoming or departing aircraft, potentially resulting in a catastrophic crash and loss of human lives. This occurrence is commonly referred to as a "bird strike."
The damage caused to an aircraft usually arises from a collision between one or more birds and the engines and/or fuselage. Although most bird strikes do not lead to crashes, they often result in costly structural and mechanical damage to the aircraft. The global prevalence of this issue makes bird strikes a substantial economic concern.
Since the inception of powered flight, birds have always posed a threat to aircraft. In the early stages of aviation, when planes flew at slower speeds, birds had little trouble evading them. Bird strikes were infrequent, and damage was typically limited to cracked windshields. The likelihood of losing an aircraft or endangering human lives was minimal. However, with the progression and introduction of jet aircraft, bird strikes have become a serious hazard and an expensive problem. Greater speeds leave birds with less time to react to approaching aircraft, and the force generated by a bird colliding with a fast-moving plane is significant. Additionally, modern turbine engines employ lightweight and high-speed mechanical components that are particularly susceptible to damage from bird strikes.
There are many ways to repel birds at airport. However,airports have learned through experience that some techniques to prevent bird hazards simply don’t work. Humans have used their intelligence to come up with ways to repel airport birds. However, there's no need to think of so many different methods when you can simply use Pestman bird repellent and its accompanying solutions to address the bird issues at airports. Pestman bird repellent is an environmentally friendly and pollution-free slow-release biological preparation specially developed for repelling birds at airports by using biologically sourced active materials and applying modern biotechnology. The principle of repelling birds is to use the allergic reaction, anorexia reaction, and rejection reaction caused by the physiological aversion mechanism of the active ingredients of biological raw materials in the sense of smell, taste,and touch, so that it can be used in the memory period of harmful birds. Escape and avoid the place where Pestman bird repellent is applied, so as to achieve the purpose of repelling birds, which is humane and does not harm birds.
What can we do for you?
1.Excellent bird control product.
2.A whole airport bird control program.
3.Professional technical team to provide after-sales support.
4.Adjust product formulation according to local environment and bird species for better results.
Bird problem is a serious hazard to aviation. A bird or a flock of birds that suddenly rises from a runway or surrounding area may collide with incoming or departing aircraft and cause the aircraft to crash, possibly resulting in the loss of human life. Bird collision with aircraft is commonly known as “bird strike.”
Damage caused to aircraft usually results from collision of one or more birds with the engines and/or fuselage. Although most bird strikes do not result in crashes, they do involve expensive structural and mechanical damage to aircraft. The incidence of this problem worldwide makes bird strike a serious economic problem.
Birds have been a hazard to aircraft from the first powered flight. During the early days of aviation, when aircraft flew at slow speeds, birds had little difficulty in getting out of the way. Bird strikes were infrequent and damage was mainly confined to cracked windshields. The likelihood of the loss of aircraft and/or human lives was remote. With the development and introduction of jet aircraft, bird strikes became a serious hazard and costly problem. Faster speeds mean birds have less time to react to approaching aircraft. The force generated by bird impact with a fast-moving aircraft is tremendous. The newer turbine engines use light-weight, highspeed mechanical parts which are vulnerable to bird strike damage.
There are many ways to repel birds at airport. However,airports have learned through experience that some techniques to prevent bird hazards simply don’t work. Humans have used their intelligence to come up with ways to repel airport birds. However, there's no need to think of so many different methods when you can simply use Pestman bird repellent and its accompanying solutions to address the bird issues at airports. Pestman bird repellent is an environmentally friendly and pollution-free slow-release biological preparation specially developed for repelling birds at airports by using biologically sourced active materials and applying modern biotechnology. The principle of repelling birds is to use the allergic reaction, anorexia reaction, and rejection reaction caused by the physiological aversion mechanism of the active ingredients of biological raw materials in the sense of smell, taste,and touch, so that it can be used in the memory period of harmful birds. Escape and avoid the place where Pestman bird repellent is applied, so as to achieve the purpose of repelling birds, which is humane and does not harm birds.
What can we do for you?
1.Excellent bird control product.
2.A whole airport bird control program.
3.Professional technical team to provide after-sales support.
4.Adjust product formulation according to local environment and bird species for better results.
It is not uncommon for birds to feed on grass seeds at airports. Grasses and other vegetation provide a food source for many bird species, and airports with large open spaces and grassy areas can attract birds looking for food. The presence of birds near airport runways can pose a safety risk, as they can be sucked into aircraft engines or collide with aircraft during takeoff or landing. To mitigate this risk, airports often employ various bird control measures.
When grass seeds are spread out in the open, it provides easy access for birds to feast and continue to come back for more. Types of birds that eat grass seed include:
Of course, the best solution for airports to this problem is Pestman Bird Repellent. Applying Pestman Bird Repellent is a straightforward process. It is sprayed onto the desired areas using a sprayer. To ensure proper use, pour the Pestman bird repellent into the sprayer container and add the specified amount of water based on the 250x dilution factor. Thoroughly stir the mixture to achieve an even consistency. After emptying the liquid formulation from the plastic barrel, make sure to rinse the barrel multiple times with clean water and add the washing liquid to the sprayer container. The recommended dosage rate for Pestman is 900 grams per hectare. It is advisable to spray the formulation on the airport runway, lawns, surrounding trees, and bushes. In order to reduce the dossage rate of Pestman bird repellent and reduce costs, it is recommended to spray alternately on the airport runway and lawn.
Pestman Bird Repellent offers significant commercial value as an environmentally friendly solution for effective bird control at airports. Its ability to deter birds without causing harm aligns with humane practices, while meeting strict environmental regulations. By investing in this product, airports can improve aviation safety, enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs associated with bird strikes, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. With its versatility and efficacy, Pestman Bird Repellent emerges as a valuable tool in avian management, addressing bird migration challenges and ensuring a safer and more efficient airport environment.
If you are interested, please contact us to obtain more information about the product.
Sales Manager: Jacky
WhatsApp: +8618958096066
You can also reach us through the chat window in the lower-right corner of our website.
As airports continue to grapple with the ongoing challenge of bird-related hazards, it becomes crucial to find effective and compassionate solutions. That's why we are pleased to introduce Pestman Bird Repellent, a clever bird deterrent specifically designed for airports. Utilizing state-of-the-art biotechnology and biologically derived active ingredients, Pestman provides an environmentally friendly and pollution-free approach to safeguard airport operations. By stimulating birds through taste, smell, and touch, Pestman effectively deters them.
1. Birds that land on the ground treated with Pestman bird repellent will experience a spicy burning sensation, making their skin uncomfortable.
2. The ground treated with Pestman emits an unpleasant odor that discomforts birds, prompting them to steer clear immediately.
3. Birds that venture near airport lawns in search of grass seeds, which often fall onto the ground, will encounter Pestman Bird Repellent's taste, leading to discomfort and an immediate avoidance response.
Pestman Bird Repellent can be applied to various areas at airports prone to bird infestation, including runways, lawns, surrounding trees, bushes, buildings where birds frequently reside, billboards, and similar facilities. For maximum efficacy, it is recommended to apply Pestman Bird Repellent during morning and evening hours when birds pose the highest risk to airport operations. Additionally, applying Pestman at nightfall is highly effective in repelling bats.
To apply Pestman bird repellent, use a sprayer. Pour the bird repellent into the sprayer container and add the specified amount of water based on a dilution factor of 250 times. Stir the mixture thoroughly. After emptying the liquid formulation from the plastic barrel, rinse the barrel multiple times with clean water, adding the rinsing liquid to the sprayer container. Apply 900 grams of Pestman bird repellent per hectare area. Spray the formulation on the airport runway, lawn, surrounding trees, and bushes. To reduce the dosage rate and minimize costs, it is advisable to alternate spraying between the airport runway and lawn.
In recent years, with the improvement of the ecological environment and the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, birds have
become more and more, and even become a disaster. In Agriculture, airports, electricity and other fields have suffered greatly, and birds striking aircrafts
are the most serious one among the bird hazards.
1. Overview of the other bird repellent products which are commonly used in China:
Bird repellent, as a kind of bird behaviour change agent, now has become one of the integrated management method to prevent birds striking aircrafts at airports and is widely used in China. However, the country has not yet formulated a unified industry standard for bird repellent products, the effective composition formula of bird repellent from various enterprises are varied. Many manufacturing enterprises are driven by profits, and they have no careful and serious scientific attitude to carry out experimental studies and repeated field trail tests. Some manufacturing enterprises just copy someone else's patent results in inferior products, and their repellent composition formulations do not take adequate account of the interactions between aromatic compounds. Although their products can temporarily drive away part of the birds after application, but the side effect is to attract a large number of flying insects, which will cause the increase of birds quantity in the treated area due to more and more flying insects. In the past several years, many airports have applied these inferior bird repellent products which increase the frequency of bird striking aircrafts during the take-off and landing, and the outbreak of swallows and bats is the most realistic evidence.
2. The Characteristics of Pestman bird repellent products:
Pestman bird repellent is microcapsule aqueous preparation which is produced by using active ingredients of various biological raw materials which are rich in biological factors for repelling various birds, and it is the real sense of slow-release biological product. The use of aromatic compounds affects the birds in the sense of smell and taste to produce allergic reaction and anorexia reaction, and meanwhile it also affects the birds in the sense of touch to produce a " rejection reaction" function. That is why Pestman bird repellent product has good effect and long effective time. The microcapsule bird repellent suspension emulsion for airport is our flagship product, and it also can be used in livestock farms. It is regarded as the exclusive product that can effectively repel sparrows by many pest control enterprises in China. Pestman bird repellent products takes full account of the interaction among the aromatic compounds, the produced odour after application will not attract flying insects, and even have a repellent and physical killing effect to some insects.
3. Application Scheme of Pestman Bird Repellent at Nanchang Changbei International Airport:
1) Overview of the flight control area:
The runway of the flight control area of Changbei Airport is 3,400 meters length and 60 meters width, the lawn area is nearly 167 hectares. The terrain is basically flat, with few low-lying areas. Outside the perimeter are grass belts, rivers, ponds, large areas of crop planting and small distributed arbor forests, which is the best place for birds to inhabit and insects to breed easily. In the lawn of the flight control area, insects are abundant in Spring, Summer and Autumn, but few in winter. In the season of insect abundance, moths of Lepidoptera and grasshoppers are the most, while beetles of Coleoptera are rare. These insects are the main foraging objects of birds in these three seasons. Although the grass in the flight control area is mowed four times per year on average, the grass seeds grow unevenly and are the food source for the finches that like to eat grass seeds.
2) Insecticide application in the lawn area of the flight control area:
In winter, there are lots of insect eggs in the soil of airport lawns, especially the eggs of locusts which is 5 ~ 8 cm deep from the ground. Airport should
spray the insecticides such as Malathion timely after the first mowing in spring to kill the young Orthoptera and Lepidoptera insects. After mowing, you should also applicate Molluscacide (such as: Metaldehyde) on the low flying areas where snails and other mollusks breed to prevent big waterfowl from harming the airport control area. After each mowing, different insecticides should be sprayed according to the species of insect pests in different seasons to cut off the food source for birds to forage in the earthen lawn area of the airport. The application of insecticides and bird repellent in the flight control area of the airport can get twice the result with half the effort.
3) Application of Pestman bird repellent in flight control areas:
Pestman bird repellent, as one of the measures of comprehensive bird prevention and control in the airport, is the most effective when flock birds disaster occurs in the flight control area. And it can also be a preventive measure if you know the season of airport birds hazard well. According to the characteristics of Pestman bird repellents, the first choice is to spray Bird Repellent Microcapsule Suspension Emulsion (Pestman bird repellent B), and scattering Bird Repellent Microcapsule Granules (Pestman bird repellent G) and putting Bird Repellent Microcapsule Block (Pestman bird repellent M) as auxiliary. Bird Repellent Smoke Fog Agent (Pestman bird repellent E) should be used when there are Swallow hazard and Bat hazard or when the environmental temperature below 0℃ in winter to prevent and control bird hazard. It is suggested to mix Pestman bird repellent B with insecticide, and dilute them with water and spray them on the runway (Swallows like to warm themselves and pick up rubber particles on the runway after dawn) and the lawns on both sides of the runway in the flight control area. If you will use Bird Repellent Smoke Fog Agent (Pestman bird repellent E) to repel the Swallows and Bats, we suggest you to applicate it over the runway and lawns.
The application of bird repellents in Changbei Airport will not increase the number of insects due to the application of a series of bird repellent products, because of its unique performance, so that the accident frequency of bird striking aircraft will be reduced, and the cost of other comprehensive bird pest control measures will be reduced.
Airports are experiencing higher levels of activity than ever before, resulting in the potential for significant disruptions to carefully planned routes and schedules due to even minor delays. However, many avoidable incidents, such as bird strikes, can be prevented. Both small and large birds have the ability to infiltrate aircraft engines, causing mechanical malfunctions and extensive (not to mention unpleasant) repair work.
Instead of subjecting passengers to lengthy delays and causing harm to birds, adopt these straightforward and uncomplicated strategies for bird control.
1. Reduce food sources
Birds are naturally drawn to easily accessible meals, so it is important to ensure that all types of food are properly stored and out of view from birds. This might involve implementing regulations prohibiting employees from eating outside and ensuring that restaurants within the terminal use durable trash bags and seal them tightly.
2. Control other critter populations
Free meals for birds do not have to consist solely of leftovers. Larger birds, such as vultures or condors, may visit the terminal area in search of mice and rats scurrying across the tarmac. Implementing measures to minimize or eliminate rodent issues can also contribute to reducing bird-related problems.
3. Remove surrounding trees
Trees naturally attract birds as they offer shelter, resting spots, and sometimes even a source of food. Consequently, if an airport is located near a densely wooded area, one can expect a higher number of birds during take-off. Clearing the trees surrounding the property can help mitigate bird-related complications.
4. Trim the grass
Tall grass can serve as a refuge for birds and other wildlife. It provides cover from larger birds that may be on the hunt. Conversely, some birds prefer shorter vegetation, which makes it easier for them to locate their own food and detect any potential predators. It is essential to research the specific bird species causing issues to determine the appropriate grass length for trimming.
5. Apply bird repellent to the runway
Pestman Bird Repellent is a bio-based slow-release biological formulation developed by Pestman, using modern biotechnology, specifically designed for bird repellence in agriculture and airports. This innovative product aims to provide an eco-friendly and non-toxic solution. The principle behind Pestman Bird Repellent is based on the aversion and avoidance reactions triggered in birds by the active ingredients derived from bio-based sources. These reactions occur in the birds’ olfactory and gustatory systems, leading them to develop allergic and aversive responses. This effectively drives the birds away from the areas where the bird repellent has been applied, thereby achieving the goal of deterring them without causing harm.
Applying Pestman is a straightforward process. It is sprayed onto the desired areas using a sprayer. To ensure proper use, pour the Pestman bird repellent into the sprayer container and add the specified amount of water based on the 250x dilution factor. Thoroughly stir the mixture to achieve an even consistency. After emptying the liquid formulation from the plastic barrel, make sure to rinse the barrel multiple times with clean water and add the washing liquid to the sprayer container. The recommended dosage rate for Pestman is 900 grams per hectare. It is advisable to spray the formulation on the airport runway, lawns, surrounding trees, and bushes. In order to reduce the dossage rate of Pestman bird repellent and reduce costs, it is recommended to spray alternately on the airport runway and lawn.
Pestman Bird Repellent offers significant commercial value as an environmentally friendly solution for effective bird control at airports. Its ability to deter birds without causing harm aligns with humane practices, while meeting strict environmental regulations. By investing in this product, airports can improve aviation safety, enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs associated with bird strikes, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. With its versatility and efficacy, Pestman Bird Repellent emerges as a valuable tool in avian management, addressing bird migration challenges and ensuring a safer and more efficient airport environment.
If you are interested, please contact us to obtain more information about the product.
Sales Manager: Jacky
WhatsApp: +8618958096066
You can also reach us through the chat window in the lower-right corner of our website.